gallery fall hours.
friday, saturday & sunday
12 pm - 4 pm
we leverage collective genius.
support southampton arts.
give the gift of learning.
Patron Level
$500 tax receipt
Acknowledgement on all SA communications
VIP invitation to special events throughout the year
Invitation to our annual Members Appreciation Event
Invitation to attend our Annual General Meeting
Founder Level
$2000 tax receipt
Acknowledgement on all SA communications
VIP invitation to special events throughout the year
Invitation to our annual members appreciation event
Invitation to attend our Annual General Meeting
Champion Level
A $1000 tax receipt
Acknowledgement on all SA Media
VIP invitaiton to special events held at Southampton Arts
Invitation to our annual Members Appreciation Event
Invitation to attend our Annual General Meeting
Support for the Arts can be achieved through charitable giving. Donors can help provide the funding needed to achieve goals and projects beyond that which can be provided by membership funds.
Donations can be made in honor of someone for special achievements of life milestones.
A memorial gift can be made to honor an acquaintance or loved one who has passed away.
Gifts can be directed by the donor to support specific programs or purchases.
Southampton Arts activities and programs support our local youth, emerging artists, professional visual artists, area art events, and provide arts education and skill development for people of all ages.